Whole 30: Week One Recap

I recently read a quote that pretty much sums up my view about healthy living: " A healthy outside starts from the inside"- Robert Urich. Living in China did change my view about what we eat and how it affects our bodies both now and in the future. I want to be healthy. That is the goal. I want to feel stronger, have more energy and be able to be as present as I can be in any given situation. In China, we were vegetarians by choice, due to the quality of the meat at our local markets and we also didn't want to offend the people we were living in community with. 

When we returned there were gobs of things that we were craving but I knew before we arrived that something about the way I viewed my body, my health and the way that I would eat would never be the same. I began researching different diets and nothing seemed to line up with the way that I desired to live my life. That is until I heard about Whole 30. Their philosophy is pretty simple, "It Starts With Food". The husband and wife team who began this healthy living adventure have a heart to inspire others to take charge of their own healthy, live the one life we are given with excellence and to eat real food. 

So for 30 days I will not be eating sugar, alcohol, grains or any processed foods. It's been quite an education learning about the many foods that turn to sugar as it is being digested. I'm also not supposed to weigh myself throughout the process (except the first and last days) with the intention focusing on a change in your health versus a diet. My goal is to be able to use the Whole 30 as a reset button of sorts and when the 30 days are finished, I want to continue a Paleo lifestyle. I'm a week in and it has been great so far. I have found recipes that my husband and I can both enjoy and I look forward to trying new recipes as well. For more information on the Whole 30 program please visit this website : Whole 30 program. What are some of the ways that you live a healthy lifestyle? What great resources do you turn to when you have questions? I'd love to know what you think

Here are a few of our favorite dishes so far, click on the link above the picture for the the recipes!

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//Assorted Sauteed Veggies with poached eggs//
(no recipe for this one, I just sauteed some of my favorites but you can learn how to poach eggs here)


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