She Reads Truth: Reflections on Hosea

What I love most about Hosea's story is that it is a beautiful picture of the Gospel. A man is asked to marry a whore, have children with her and be alright with all the implications that are birthed from their marriage. Hosea was a prophet, a man who heard clearly from the Lord. I'm thinking that that he probably encountered a great deal of smug looks, that he was talked about behind his back and that he wasn't invited to certain people's dinner parties anymore. The only thing that I wish Hosea had more of is commentary from the man himself. What was his initial reaction to what the Lord had asked him to do? In all honestly I know mine would have been straight up fear and doubt. Having waited my whole life and stayed pure for my husband, I can't imagine the Lord asking the equivalent of me, go down to a strip club and ask one of the men visiting it to marry me. But Hosea was following the Lord. He was obedient and I gained so much insight from his life these past few weeks. 

Hosea's immediate obedience is the first thing that struck a chord in my heart. He was willing to give his life, his inheritance and his heart to Gomer. How often in my life do I know that the Lord is clearly asking me to do something and I question it. I spend too much time talking to my husband about it before actually taking the first step of action. Or maybe this scenario occurs, an idea is birthed in my heart and I do take actions on it but they are my own. I will them to happen and I end up striving instead of waiting on the Lord to show me the next step. I envy Hosea's attitude and I asked the Lord this week to help me to wait on him with gratitude, knowing that He will provide. 

A beautiful example of this has occurred over the last three months. Since my husband and I have moved back from China, Drew has been looking for a job. We have been blessed with sweet friends, good connections and lots of interviews but either the jobs weren't suited well for Drew, didn't provide insurance or the job description didn't match what the company actually needed. A few weeks ago I felt my anxiety grow and as much as I was asking the Lord to help me give it to him, I was also holding onto it. As Drew was job hunting, I knew that through re-launching my photography business, as well as nannying, that I could provide some income for us. As excited as I was to officially have a photography business of my own, I was equally terrified. Unlike the other photography jobs in the past, there was no one to bounce my questions off of and I felt like there wasn't anyone who could really "get it". At the same time that I felt completely inadequate, the Lord started providing me jobs. And not just one job but many. In my doubt, He provided. In my feelings of inadequacy, He reassured me (and thankfully my husband rocked at this as well). In my joy, He gave me peace. And if that didn't top the cake, last week He provided a job for Drew as well. I was getting my hair cut and my lovely hairdresser shared with me that her husband's company sounded like a great fit for Drew! Drew is now in training and loves that fact that he will be able to help people for a living.

Just like the Israelites, like Gomer and the people of Ephriam, I am guilty of doubting that the Lord will come through for me. But He does, every single time. I connected the most with the following quotes from the Hosea study:

"God calls us to seek Him because he desires good for us and not destruction".

"It's by His beckoning and His help that we even so much as turn our eyes to Him".

"As the ever faithful groom, He remains. Even as His anger burns over the unfaithfulness of his bride, he forgives her. He provides her a fresh start. And even, in His severe mercy, he withholds good things from her, that she might return to Him". 

"So you, by the help of your God
hold fast to love and justice,
and wait continually for your God"
Hosea 12:6

Even though I don't desire my heart to stray, it wanders. Even when I try and will myself to be obedient, I know that I will sin. Thankfully God has made a way for us to be with Him and even in wandering and doubt, HE is the one who leads us back to himself. How beautiful is the heart of the Lord? I am so thankful for His mercy and desire to be obedient to His plan for me. He even provided this study in a time when I needed to hear it the most!  Did you follow along with the study? I would love to hear a bit from your heart! 
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*If you would like to read the She Reads Truth study on Hosea, head on over to their website, here.


  1. Just what I needed to read this morning. I have been following along with the Hosea study but rather unwillingly. I knew God was calling me to return to Him, but I wasn't even aware of how far I had run from Him. Thank you for sharing from your heart.

  2. Thank you for sharing Jenna McMurphy. It was such a difficult study to pursue but I'm so thankful that He pursues us no matter how difficult.

  3. LOVE this, Ashley! Such beautiful words. I love that you said Hosea is a picture of The Gospel-again and again, I am so thankful that He calls us to return! We love having you in our community!

    xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  4. Thank you for your encouragement Kaitlin and I'm so very thankful for the community that you foster!
