Final Week of the Whole 30 Challenge

Yeah!!! I am so thankful that I chose to spend 30 intentional days in a positive and healthy way! I would recommend this challenge to anyone who desires to push the reset button on their health. Here are a few helpful hints and things that I learned throughout the challenge.

//It's All About the Process //
  • Be patient. It takes time for cravings to go away as sugar exits your system and it takes time to see and feel results. Try not to get frustrated in the beginning and focus on the end goal you have in mind.
  • I learned so much just through reading labels and educating myself about items that have hidden sugar in them.
  • My mindset has changed in the way that I view food, I want to be healthy but will make exceptions when I crave something vs. I don't want to put junk in my body because I care about my body.
  • I want to honor the Lord with the foods that I eat and the ways that I choose to take care of myself.
//It's a Lesson in Self-Control//
  • I realized that part of the problem to me not seeing certain health goals is because I wasn't as consistent as I intended to be.
  • I surprised myself with my ability to say no to cake at birthday parties, wine with a good meal and ice cream on a hot Summer day and it's all because I chose to prioritize my health above my cravings. 
  • I have learned that I sometimes use food to soothe my emotional needs and that it's not the way to deal with the bigger issues.
//Healthy Benefits//
  • I have more energy and more motivation to keep making healthy choices for my husband and I.
  • Losing weight wasn't my goal and I'm not gonna lie, it was an added bonus to the challenge but not the purpose.
  • My stomach has not gotten upset with any of the meals that I cooked this month. Victory!
  • My fibromyalgia symptoms have lessened and I am hoping that my body will continue to heal as I continue to feed it real foods.
//Helpful Hints//
  • Read your labels! There are so many items in stores that say they are all natural and organic but still have sugar in them. (Especially dried fruits & almond/coconut milk)
  • Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. This will save you from giving into temptations as you are out and about and will help to keep you full. Here are some of my favorite snacks and resources.
  • Create a support team around you to help encourage you when you face a temptation or are feeling stuck. My husband did a fantastic job of this and even discovered that he liked most of the recipes as well. 
  • Before  you begin, take your biggest weaknesses out of your fridge and pantry and don't buy more of them. 
  • When you go to the store, try to only shop in the outside aisles (unless of course you need spices or toilet paper ha ha). This was a hard one for me but I had to tell myself not to even go in the natural food sections and just stay in the produce and meat aisles because I was tempted to purchase gluten free or Paleo snacks that are not allowed.
  • Try not to feel guilty about eating at your friend's houses and just eating what you are able to. Offer to bring a dish with you so that you know that you'll be able to eat it. 
  • Celebrate your victories along the way!
I am so thankful that I completed this challenge and I will definitely be doing another one in a few months. Interested in joining me? I'm considering creating weekly meal plans for the challenge as well as support through the process. Have you already completed the Whole 30 and have some great recipes? I am always on the lookout for new things to try in the kitchen! Here's to making good choices friends!
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