Nothing is Wasted

I love how God designed the Bible to meet us right where we are. His words are active, alive and appropriate for any time period. I'm a bit behind in the 1st and 2nd Peter study but I don't mind because sometimes I need time to sit with what the Lord is showing me before I just jump into the next study. 

I refer to Drew and I's time living in China frequently but I know that I'm still processing what we learned there. I think that I will be gleaning what the Lord did in our hearts for years to come. When we were debating whether or not to move back to America, we shared our torn hearts with our directors. I will never forget sitting in their car, about to head into the office, tears streaming down my face and the director's wife sharing this truth with me. She simply said, "Nothing is wasted with the Lord". Tears continued to flow as I realized the truth behind what she was saying to me. Even when your life feels like it's in a tailspin, the Lord will use it. Even when you don't feel His presence, the Lord will use it. Even when your joy has been taken from you, the Lord will use it. Because the Lord is gracious and compassionate, he desires to draw us into himself, even when we try to push him away. 

I love that the Lord desires to use our weaknesses and shapes them into strengths. He makes the impossible seem possible because Jesus lived that way himself. Fully God and fully man. When I have felt the most confused, frustrated and lost, that is when I have encountered the Lord's provision, peace and purpose for my life. He longs to meet us in those places and use them to show us that he was there all along and He is in control. I had to choose to let him in though and now I am able to look and see that it's so true: Nothing is wasted in God's economy.
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*Looking for challenging and encouraging plans to study the Bible? Check out 


  1. I love the She Reads Truth plans--they are amazing! And you are so right, nothing is wasted and that's something I don't remind myself of enough!

  2. Thank you so very much for sharing this today - it's exactly what I needed. Nothing is wasted with the Lord. Wow! He is too good to us...taking our broken situations and turning them around for good and purpose.

  3. Sarah-The She Reads Truth plans have been meeting me exactly where I'm at and I love it! Summer, I'm so thankful that you were encouraged and excited that you stopped by to read today!
