For Your Reading Pleasure...

I have always been a bookworm. Every Summer as a kid, I had the opportunity to read whatever I wanted and I looked forward to trips to the library with my mom and sister. When I was working as a teacher, I usually read the material ahead of time that my class would be reading and although they were classics, I didn't have the time to read anything on top of my classroom stack. While we were overseas, our entertainment options were limited and my Kindle became a source of encouragement and relaxtion.I like to read a little bit of everything and I would love to hear what has been on your Summer list! 

 Bridge to Haven: by Francine Rivers- Let's be honest, everything by this woman is amazing. I started back in college with Redeeming Love (apparently they are making a movie?!) and have been hooked ever since. This story takes place in a small town in California and follows a young girl, as she finds herself carried off to Hollywood. It's such a fantastic story full of redemption and grace.


Cold Tangerines: by Shauna Niequist- I love reading Shauna's blog but hadn't ever read any of her books before. This book is about finding joy in the daily grind of life and it was a wonderfully refreshing read. If you are looking for encouragement and somthing to stir your soul, I would highly recommend reading it. I cannot wait to read her other books: Bittersweet and Bread and Wine. 

The Engagements: by J. Courtney Sullivan- This story takes you back in time and weaves between the lives of four different couples who all eventually use the same engagement ring. It's lightly based on a true story and a wonderful read (I wouldn't mind at all if they made this one into a movie). I love the way that Sullivan wrote this book and look forward to reading Maine as well.

The One & Only: by Emily Giffin- I've also read everybook that Emily has written and although I don't always agree with the moral decisions that all of her characters make, I still enjoy reading her books. This story takes place in Dallas, Texas and reminded me of my short time living there. It's a great book to read lying on a beach or by a pool.

Kisses From Katie: by Katie Davis- I am currently reading this book and have even though it has been out on the shelves for awhile now, I've wanted to wait on this one. In the first few pages I felt like I could relate a great deal to what Katie's life is like and how I desire to live my own. I am excited to continue to see what the Lord shows me through this biography, about a girl who left the comforts of America to live in Uganda with the fourteen girls that she has adopted.
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*all photos derived from google search.


  1. These all look like GREAT suggestions! Cold Tangerines and Bridge to Haven on the top books on my list!
    Glad to have found you through instagram girl!

  2. Thanks so much Amy! They are so wonderful! So glad to "meet" you today and I look forward to reading your blog as well!
