Encourage Beauty Campaign

What is beauty? It's such a complex question that can have a myriad of answers. I think that it is safe to say that every woman has struggled with this question or still struggles with it on a daily basis. As women we are what the Lord had in mind for a perfect counterpart to a rugged, studly man. Because we are in essence the apple of the Lord's eye, it makes the enemy jealous. Of course the enemy doesn't want us to believe in ourselves, feel secure in our identity or feel gorgeous everyday. And so he weaves his lies and when we believe them, we are left feeling inadequate, purposeless, insecure, fat and ugly. It also doesn't help that in this day and age, we can compare our lives with practically anyone on the planet. The world of Pinterest (which I do love and can be oh so helpful), projects the lives of "picture perfect" bloggers and celebrities as the norm. BUT we as women who love the Lord, have to remember that we are the object of our heavenly Father's affection. We need to believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that each of us has a unique purpose for the kingdom. We need to recognize that we are worthy of God's love and embrace our role in the kingdom as His princesses. I have been blessed with a husband who tells me that I'm beautiful but I can't rely on his comments or actions to completely fulfill my self esteem. It is a daily fight to ignore the enemy's lies and focus on who the Lord says I am.

I am so thankful for other women who feel that same way that I do and are passionate about encouraging other women to embrace their own beauty. I'm so excited to see what the Lord has done through the life of my friend Anna, the lovely lady from In Honor of Design. She has teamed up with a group of women and created the Encourage Beauty Campaign. For five days on Instagram, the challenge is to post a picture a day following the daily prompt provided. I am joining in this week and would love for you to join me! Check out their website: deanstreetsociety.com/encourage or simply follow the calendar below. I hope that this campaign will make your heart happy, help to focus on the Father's love for you and puts a smile on your face as you join in each day!
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